Practice: Five Important Elements Of Wellness

Wellness can mean different things to different people. For some it may be attending luxury retreats and for some it is about meditation.

However, wellness is not about one or two odd things but a sum of its five core elements: Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and Intellectual.


Exercise. Even going for a simple walk will make you feel so much better

Eat healthy. Avoid eating processed foods and soda. Include servings of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

Do not skip your meals. Skipping any meal can slow down metabolism rate and can make you feel more hungry later in the day. Skipping meals only contributes in unhealthy weight gain and temporary unhealthy weight loss.

Get a good sleep. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours every night.

Avoid heavy drinking and drug abuse.


Maintain a positive attitude.

Find out your personal stress reliever activities.

Smile often.

Seek professional help when necessary.


Find who your best friends are.

Appreciate healthy relations in your life.

Get involved in social clubs of your interest.

Balance your social life with your personal space.


Find a quiet space for yourself and spend sometime there every day.


Spend time appreciating nature.


Read about current affairs.

Become a life long learners.

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